Friday, June 1, 2012

The First Day of June

Today’s the first day of June! Wow I can’t believe (well actually I can) a full month has gone by since I’ve been back home. It’s definitely a different vibe from being so immersed into my work and now being home away from fashion and away from the “college life”.

A couple of months back I asked the Lord to create a deeper hunger in me for Him, to grow in prayer and to give Him the time He deserves. And in this past month, with the free time with not having a job or having to attend class, I took up the opportunity to try to really grow in faith. I ordered a new book called Prayer Power: 30 Days to a Stronger Connection with God and exactly what the title says is the reason why I made a purchase. I want to walk according to the law of the Lord and seek him will all my my heart (Psalm 119:1-2). And that I understand will take time. Time that I have now.

I may not like being unemployed or feeling like a bum because I don’t have a job. But I see this “crisis or disappointment” as an indirect opportunity to grow and something that will in time become a painful blessing. And I just encourage people to pursue the hidden opportunity in each problem.

And on another note…

My nephew Benjamin should be coming this week or next. I’m hoping this week! I pray for a safe delivery and that he comes out as a beautiful healthy child. I am so excited!! Lol

Well until next time…..

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